Following the court rule on Oladipo Tesleem, a 23year old Business management of Federal polytechnic Offa convicted of cybercrime and sentence to 9 months imprisonment or an option of #250,000 fine by the high court order in Ilorin on Thursday.
   The management of the polytechnic has issued a news release of expelled him from the institution following the students'Disciplinary Committee reports which equally found him quilty of the offence violating the polytechnic code of conduct as clearly stated in the student's information hand book section 18.2.1 subsection (ix). The section stated that "Any student convicted of a criminal offence by a competent court of Law shall be expelled"
   The management through its public relations and protocol director Olayinka Iroye has strongly uses the medium to make its stand clear against cybercrime, cultism, internet fraud and other social vices and will not hesitate to saction any err student in accordance with the polytechnic rule and regulations.  The news release sign by the polytechnic public relations and protocol Director Olayinka Iroye read thus.What are your intakes on this exposition? Do you think the polytechnic is fair in it's judgment or the student punishment ease a little? Your comments are valuable to us.


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