TIV and their migration: a concise approach on their origin.

 The Tivs  people are known for their prowess in art, which storytelling was not excluded. 

Facts have it that, the earliest time the Tivs meet with the European was in the year 1852 when they were met in the banks of the Benue rivers. Though, their history didn't start from here.

According to some oral traditions, the TIV people are said to have come from their present location from the southeast.

And it is believed they traveled through southern, south-central and west-central Africa before they reach the present savannah lands of West African Sudan via the River Congo and the Cameroon Mountains.

Undeniable, the fourth largest ethnic group in Nigeria today is the TIV people. This is do because they are an ethnolinguistic group in West Africa with a population of over seven million throughout the country of Nigeria and Cameroon. They also have the largest spoken language in Benue, Taraba, Nasarawa, Plateau, Cross River State even as well as FCT Abuja.

However, without considering the numerous views held about their origination, most historians believe that their ancestors of this collective people could be traced to the Bantu people who once resided in the Central African continent, in the Shaba area of the present day Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) 

Another historic make us to understand that, the majority of Tiv do believe that their original home was to the southeast and inside Cameroon.

Though there are no certain time when they began their migration northward: but it was probably about eleven generations ago, according to the scholar Rubingh.

Rubingh cites Downes by penciling that, their really general migration into the present tribal area began around 1800, and Tiv were present south of the Benue River in large numbers by 1850.

The various clans if the TIV shifted position until 1890 when the boundaries were rather well-established and permanent settlement undertaken by the people.


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